Few people will probably read this, so my fear of ridicule is small. As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been fascinated with the controversy and arguments surrounding the Revelation 12 Sign of 09/23/2017. Publicly, my personal position on the whole thing is and has been ‘Maybe’ and ‘What if?’ Because I honestly don’t know.
I’m intrigued by how compelling the narrative has become, the mathematical curiosities associated with it and the very long list of what are either associated coincidences, or possibly not coincidences. To my knowledge, historically speaking, nothing quite like this has very happened before, and I’m not just talking about the astronomical alignment, but how this topic has evolved and created such division. It’s difficult for me to understand how anybody can easily dismiss the observation that a literal reading of the Bible verses in Revelation 12:1-5 describes the astronomical alignment which occurred on 09/23.
a) it is legitimate to be watching for a literal fulfillment of what is described in Rev. 12:1-5 or
b) it is purely symbolic.
If ‘a’, then the ‘Great Sign’ will involve the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. Our only common knowledge of anything representing a ‘woman’ in the sky would be a constellations of stars.
- Of the 88 constellations covering the entire sky in the northern and southern hemispheres, I believe only 3 are of women; Andromeda, Cassiopeia and Virgo.
- Of these three constellations, only Virgo appears in the ecliptic, which is the path that the sun travels across the sky from sunrise to sunset.
- Virgo is the only constellation in which both the Sun and the Moon are ever in proximity to.
- So by the process of elimination, the sign would involve the constellation Virgo (symbolic of the Virgin) the Sun, the Moon and 12 stars.
If ‘b’, then any attempt to apply a literal fulfillment to the ‘Great Sign’ would be a waste of time. But I don’t think there are any examples of ‘signs’ which were not manifested in the physical world. By definition, a ‘sign’ would suggest that there is evidence of something specific.
Revelation is a tricky book to decipher. What is symbolic and what is not? and Who is to say?
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