The amount of concern over Pres. Trump’s decision to pull US troops out of Syria so Turkey can begin a military incursion is overwhelming. My opinion is that Trump is unlikely to be swayed by those who disagree to the point of reversing his decision. His explicit threat on Twitter to destroy Turkey’s economy if his agreement with Turkey’s Pres. Erdogan is not upheld is unsettling, to say the least. We’re at a point on God’s prophetic timeline where I find that it helps to purposely look at some of these events with neutrality, being non-partisan, not taking sides. Certain events must happen, like it or not. This is a good example of just how quickly circumstances can change.
In light of the ongoing Convergence of prophecy being fulfilled, this new situation does appear to be paving the way for the Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel by a coalition thought to include Russia, Turkey, and Iran. A quick, random survey of comments in online Bible prophecy groups suggests that there is much agreement on this pending invasion amongst the ‘watchers’. The historically unprecedented coalition of these 3 countries has met 3 times in the last year to discuss and decide the fate of Syria. Putin has met with Erdogan 7 times already in 2019.
To summarize the Ezekiel 38 prophecy:
Persia is clearly modern-day Iran.
Cush comprises more of modern-day Sudan than Ethiopia.
Put is northern Africa or Libya.
The majority of opinions on the identification of which countries are represented by Magog, Meshech, Tubal, Gomer and Togarmah are that these are all historical regions north of Israel in Asia-Minor which include modern-day Turkey, northwest of Iran, southwest of Russia.
Less clear is the identification of Tarshish, a land that is implied to be far away from Israel, that is reachable by sea. Could it be Europe? America?
Have you already given thought to what these countries have in common?
Antisemitism is pervasive throughout Europe. The recent mass migration of millions of refugees into Europe from the Middle East certainly as not helped.
Antisemitism is also simmering in the United States, as evidenced by the election of radical, liberal representatives like Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar whose antisemitic public comments are becoming more common and more tolerated. This apparent trend in conjunction with the US military now being pulled out of Syria makes it easier to imagine how the US will not be coming to Israel’s defense in the event of an Ezekiel 38 invasion. This could possibly explain why the United States, the most powerful country in the history of the world, is not mentioned in Biblical prophecy.
The Israeli political system is still in turmoil. The fear is that the country’s democracy is at risk due to the political divisions which have so far prevented a majority coalition government from being formed.
Credit goes to Trump for the United States declaring that Jerusalem is the undisputed, capital of Israel, not Tel Aviv.
Last week the Sanhedrin sacrificed a live goat on a stone altar for a burnt offering on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Temple Mount. In Israel, there is increasing talk of rebuilding the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.
How anyone could think that these are not the Last Days spoken of in the Bible is beyond my comprehension.
Jesus/Yeshua commanded us to ‘Watch! For you do not know the day or hour of my return.”… but He wants us to WATCH, to recognize the signs leading up to His return, similar to freeway signs leading up to an exit.
Look up, for your Redemption draws near.
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