To-date, 4007 comets have been discovered…6 of those were discovered in the last year, 2017. One of those six comets is labeled as C/2017 E1, The Borisov Comet, named after Gennadii Vladimirovich Borisov who discovered it in Crimea on March 1, 2017.
This is the first time that this comet will have entered our solar system since Creation. The comet has an incredibly vast elliptical orbit, and will not ever come close to Earth again…well, not for more than 6,000 years at least.
“This comet will be referenced as the ‘Conception Comet’ for various astronomical and anthropomorphic attributes that will be brought out in the correlation to a typology of an ‘insemination’ of Virgo by this comet.”
The man who discovered the correlation of the Borisov Comet to the Revelation 12 Sign has elected to only be known by his YouTube username, ‘World Breaker’. Near the 19 minute mark of the one and only YouTube video that he has ever produced (24,453 views to date), he describes how he discovered this new comet as by random chance …or something else, perhaps divine leading. When he logged into the astronomy site ‘The Sky’ ( the comet was right there on his screen in the constellation Leo. He had never seen it before. His curiosity was instantly peaked. EVERY SINGLE time since seeing it for the first time, he has had to manually enter the C/2017 E1 comet as a ‘new’ object into the astronomy program. He’s dumbfounded. It’s as if he was meant to see it.
The comet exits the constellation Leo from his loins and heads towards the constellation Virgo. Three days after the Conception Comet enters the constellation Virgo from between her legs is when Jupiter (Tzediq) enters Virgo’s womb.
The point of ‘insemination’ occurred on November 17, 2016, at precisely 0 hour.
11/17/2016 to 09/9/2017 = 297 days, the date that Jupiter crosses the womb ‘delineation’ line is (9.9 months or 42 weeks…The AVERAGE length of human gestation is 280 days or 40 weeks)
Another incredibly unique characteristic about this comet is that it has been in retrograde in the constellation of Cancer since before the birth of Christ. Only the year 2000 did it enter our solar system and approach Leo. According to E.W Bullinger, ‘The Witness of the Stars’, the constellation Cancer speaks of the Messiah’s ‘Redeemed Possessions’.
– Luis Vega
The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary. She conceived. She visited her sister Elizabeth. She gave birth to the Messiah.
“Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
John 12:25
I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel” (Genesis 3:15).
Satan successfully brought a curse upon Adam and Eve and all of their offspring. Nevertheless, God promised that from the seed of the woman would come One who would bring about man’s deliverance and Satan’s destruction. That “seed” was our Lord Jesus Christ.
* “The length of a human pregnancy can vary naturally by as much as five weeks” Source: Oxford University Press (OUP) Date: August 6, 2013
“…we found that the length of the pregnancies varied by as much as 37 days.”
Normally, women are given a date for the likely delivery of their baby that is calculated as 280 days after the onset of their last menstrual period. (280 + 37 = 317 days or 45.28 weeks)
- First, the astronomical alignment on 09/23/2017, commonly referred to as The Revelation 12 Sign, was seen as matching a literal description of Rev. 12:1-2.
- This was discovered by using Stellarium Astronomy software three or four years in advance of the astronomical event.
- Then it was recognized that Jupiter/Tzediq would be in Virgo’s womb for 9 1/2 months, the length of a normal pregnancy.
- Thus Jupiter/Tzediq exiting Virgo on 09/09/2017 was seen as a portrayal of the birth of Jupiter/Tzediq.
- The accepted symbolism is that the woman represents Israel.
- The contended symbolism is whether Jupiter/Tzediq represents Jesus or the Church, or both.
- One group argues that it is an obvious depiction of the birth of Christ, that Jesus/Yeshua was saved when His parents fled to Egypt to escape Herod’s order to murder all firstborn males 2 years of age and younger.
That Jesus/Yeshua was saved from Devil who waited to devour Him.The other group argued that Jesus/Yeshua never needed ‘saving’ from the Devil.
- One group argues that if the male child is Jesus/Yeshua then the use of the Greek word ‘harpazo’ unquestionably must refer to the Ascension.The other group argues that the Greek word ‘harpazo’ is never used anywhere in the Bible to depict the Ascension. The word ‘harpazo’ is used to describe the Rapture of the Church in verses Thessalonians 5 and 1 Corinthians.
- One group argues that the “male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron” in Rev. 12:5 can only refer to Jesus/Yeshua.|The other group argues that Rev. 2:25 speaks of Jesus/Yeshua giving power to the Church to rule over the nations with the “rod of iron” in quoting Psalm 2:9.
- One group argues that the Church is always referred to in the feminine form as the ‘bride’ of Jesus/Yeshua.The other group argues that in 1 Thess. 5:5, one of the major chapters on the Rapture, that Paul refers to the Church in the male form declaring, “you are all sons of light and sons of day.”
In the following passage, Paul is telling the Church that the Day of the Lord will NOT take them by surprise.
“But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day.”
- One group argues that in speaking of the Return of Christ in Luke 21, that the verse saying that “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars” should be taken literally and that Blood Moon Tetrad, the Great Solar Eclipse, the Revelation 12 Sign, the Jupiter/Venus conjunction, the Jupiter/Mars conjunction, the Blue Blood Super Moon all qualify as the Signs that Luke 21 speaks of.The other group state that they agree with Luke 21, but they insist that the Signs cannot possibly refer to Blood Moon Tetrad, the Great Solar Eclipse, the Revelation 12 Sign, the Jupiter/Venus conjunction, the Jupiter/Mars conjunction, the Blue Blood Super Moon.
Then it was discovered that the Conception Comet impregnated Virgo 3 days before Jupiter/Tzediq appeared in Virgo’s womb.
Then the Church Age was recognized as being the ‘Gestation’ period if the Church was conceived at Pentecost.
- Revelation 12 Virgo Inseminated! CONCEPTION COMET!
- The Sky Live Comets » C/2017 E1 (Borisov) Tracker
*one of the stars in Cancer is Acubene, Hebrew/Arabic for = “the hiding place”
I’ve read a number of comments online questioning the ‘gestation’ period from insemination to birth so I thought I’d attempt to add some clarity to the subject.
1. The C/2017 E1 Borisov Comet enters Virgo on 11/17/2016
2. Jupiter enters Virgo’s womb three days later on 11/20/2016
3. Jupiter crosses the ‘delineation’ line of Virgo’s womb on 09/09/2017
4. The astronomical alignment matching Revelation 12 occurs on 09/23/2017
The explanation:
1. Human conception happens 45 minutes to 7 days after the ‘seed’ is planted.
2. The ‘average’ human gestation period is 280 days +/- 37 days = 9.33 months, per Oxford University Press (OUP) Date: August 6, 2013
3. The number of days from the Jupiter entering Virgo on 11/20/2016 until crossing the ‘delineation’ line of Virgo’s womb on 09/09/2017 = 293 days = 9.75 months = 9 months and 23 days
4. Interesting to note that the number ‘923’ occurs for the Rev. 12 Sign on 9/23 as well as the gestation period for Jupiter/Tzediq, to the very day. Not sure what that could mean.
So, the ‘Conception Comet’ is right on the mark for correlating to an actual human baby’s time in the womb from insemination to birth, which is rather amazing.
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